Cleaning and caring for the Invisalign aligners are essential to your dental experience. These are critical factors in obtaining the brightening, beautiful smile you deserve. Be sure to follow preventative dentistry guidelines when wearing Invisalign as traditional braces.
Two easy steps to follow will keep your aligners fresh, clean, and sparkling: brushing them each time you remove them from your mouth using toothpaste and lukewarm water, then applying an appropriate dental cleanser at least twice a month. Make sure that you have also thoroughly cleaned your teeth and applied fluoride treatment as instructed by your dentist. Use special dental hygiene products designed for Invisalign aligners for optimal dental health.
In contrast, cleaning traditional braces can be a bit more involved. In addition to regular brushing and flossing, you should also use special orthodontic brushes on the brackets of your braces to remove food and plaque buildup.
Whether you choose Invisalign or metal braces, your dental experience can be both successful and enjoyable with proper care!