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The Key to a Bright Smile: How to Reduce the Stains on Your Teeth

People experience tooth discolouration at some point. Hence, many are looking for ways to reduce stains on their teeth. The good news is that there’s a way to brighten stained teeth at Dental @ Niddrie.

The dentist can assess the root cause of the problem of tooth discolouration and find a suitable treatment.

Our teeth whitening system is customised according to patients' unique needs.

Reducing stains and debris in the teeth may help to improve oral hygiene.

Brightening the teeth can result in a whiter smile and make you look younger.

Getting brighter teeth may positively influence your confidence to smile.

Learn the Science Behind Stained Teeth and How to Get a Whiter Smile

The accumulation of dark pigments on the tooth enamel surface causes stained teeth. This can make one’s smile appear yellowish or darker. It can be a sign of poor oral hygiene or other health conditions that can worsen over time.

Dental @ Niddrie offers a safe and advanced treatment for stained teeth. We use Philips Zoom! professional teeth whitening technology to brighten up your smile.

Explore the Various Causes of Stained Teeth and Learn How to Prevent Discolouration

While stained teeth aren’t often a serious dental problem, it’s essential to know their causes and ways to prevent them. Practising good oral hygiene is one recommended way to prevent tooth discolouration.

Extrinsic (surface) and intrinsic (internal) stains are the two types of tooth discolouration. Each has different causes, including age, trauma to the teeth, and lifestyle habits.

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Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, wine, and tomato-based meals, can leave dark pigments and lead to the darkening of the teeth surface over time.

Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products that contain tar and nicotine can gradually cause yellow or brown staining on the teeth.

Lack of proper care for the teeth, such as brushing and flossing, can allow for plaque to build up, which can make the teeth appear yellowish.

Ageing can lead to thinning of the surface enamel of the teeth. It can reveal the yellow dentine underneath, causing the teeth to become yellowish.

Dental Issues That We Can Help You With

Having a healthy smile is important for your overall well-being. We provide a range of treatments to help you look after your teeth and gums, from regular check-ups to more advanced treatments.

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Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Smile – Book Your Appointment with Dental @ Niddrie.

Achieving a healthier smile starts with taking the first step, and Dental @ Niddrie is here to help. Our team of skilled dental professionals is committed to providing top-notch dental care to our patients.

Why Choose Dental @ Niddrie

We help our patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health through the following:

Multilingual Services

Our team at Dental @ Niddrie are able to proficiently converse in many languages, namely in English, Hindi, Punjabi, and Arabic.

20 Years of Progressive and Modern Clinical Experience

With two decades of combined clinical experience, the dentists at our clinic can provide you with quality and professional dental care.

Accessible Dental Care Through Affordable Pricing

Our clinic gives you an accessible way to care for your dental health by offering various payment plans.

Frequently Asked Questions About Stained Teeth

We’ve gathered a few common questions about tooth discolouration and provided answers that may help you better understand the problem.

There are a few natural ways that may help to reduce the discolouration of the teeth. Some of the suggestions below might not have been proven by research, but people have said they work. It might be useful to choose one method than using them altogether.

  • Oil pulling. Coconut oil pulling is claimed to help reduce bacteria in the mouth and whiten teeth. It is essential to check the ingredients and choose organic oil when purchasing
  • Chewing high-fibre foods. Chewing vegetables, legumes, and leafy greens can help protect teeth enamel from the acid in your mouth. These foods increase saliva flow, which helps to neutralise the acid that causes staining.

  • Whitening teeth with fruits. Papayas, lemon, orange, or banana peels are some fruits that may cause whitening effects in the teeth. D-limonene or citric acid, papain, and bromelain are some compounds found in the said fruits. But we recommend being careful when trying this. While studies claim they can lighten tooth colour, the ADA generally does not recommend rubbing fruits directly into the teeth.

  • Making dietary and lifestyle changes. Minimising your food intake, which is known to leave dark pigments on your teeth, can prevent further tooth staining. If this seems impossible for you, try to rinse your mouth with water after eating teeth-staining foods. Additionally, quitting smoking or using other tobacco products is another way to minimise staining.

Teeth whitening products are generally safe when supervised by a qualified dental professional. Over-the-counter teeth whitening products might seem like an easy way to brighten your smile. But dentists often caution their patients about the risks associated with their usage. Not only can these products increase the sensitivity and irritation of your gums, but they also carry the risk of unintentional ingestion or even irreversible damage to your teeth.

We recommend booking a teeth whitening consultation at Dental @ Niddrie. This way, the dentist can recommend a reliable method to brighten your beautiful smile.

In general, most dentists recommend having a professional dental cleaning twice a year or every six months. However, understanding that some factors can determine how often you should have your teeth cleaned is essential. This may include the severity of plaque or tartar buildup in your mouth.

In some cases, the dentist may require the patient to have more frequent dental cleanings to reduce the debris gradually. You can consult your dentist to know what’s recommended for your needs.

Here are some things you might do to prevent your teeth from discolouration:

  • Be consistent with good dental hygiene. Proper brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily is crucial for keeping them clean and debris-free.

  • Care tips after eating food-staining. After consuming beverages or foods that may leave dark residues on your teeth, rinsing with water can help to reduce the staining.

  • Regular dental visits. Regular dental check-ups may involve teeth cleaning, which can help remove surface stains before they become deeply ingrained in the enamel of your teeth. The more frequently you visit your dentist, the more likely you are to prevent staining in the future.

  • Change some habits. Some lifestyle habits, such as smoking cigarettes or vaping, can contribute to teeth staining. Finding ways to cut back on such habits can help prevent teeth discolouration.

Other dental treatments that may help you achieve a brighter smile other than professional teeth whitening are the following:

  • Dental veneers. This is a cosmetic dental treatment which are wafer-thin shells designed to cover the tooth surface. Veneers can hide tough stains in your teeth, resulting in a natural-looking, brighter smile.
  • Tooth bonding. Dental bonding involves using tooth-coloured resin, which can also cover dark stains. The dentist will choose a shade that can match your adjacent teeth.
  • Dental crowns. It is a tooth cap that can cover the entire tooth. Dentists often recommend a dental crown to protect the tooth from further damage, but they may also work to change the tooth’s colour.
When considering a teeth whitening treatment, the most important thing is to check first if your teeth and gums are healthy enough. The only way to evaluate whether or not you’re a good candidate is to have a consultation with your dentist. They will be able to carefully assess if you have healthy, unrestored teeth and healthy gums that can undergo the procedure.
Prolonged use of teeth whitening strips can cause adverse effects on your teeth and gums. These products can erode the enamel surface, which can increase teeth sensitivity. Additionally, when the bleaching agent touches the gums, it can lead to irritation and discomfort.
The effects of a teeth whitening treatment generally last anywhere from two to three years, or as fast as only six months. This will greatly depend on your personal circumstances and on how well you take care of your pearly whites afterwards. The effects tend to fade much faster if proper dental care is not maintained following the treatment.

Most teeth whitening treatments use active ingredients such as carbamide and hydrogen peroxide. These chemicals are known to cause teeth sensitivity. That’s why in the past, dentists often did not recommend teeth whitening treatments for patients with sensitive teeth. Fortunately, improvements and new formulas are developed, making professional teeth whitening now relatively safe for individuals with sensitive teeth.

As mentioned earlier, there are natural methods you may use at home to lighten your tooth shade. One example is oil pulling. For about ten to thirty minutes, you may swish one to two teaspoons of coconut oil in your mouth. Be careful and avoid swallowing the liquid.

There is a study that says oil pulling using sunflower oil and sesame oil may whiten the teeth. It works by reducing plaque buildup, which makes the teeth yellow.

When considering teeth whitening for young patients, dentists recommend holding off until age 14-16. This allows proper development of adult teeth and prevents potential side effects that can harm their primary teeth.
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