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Navigating the Storm of Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort in the mouth as they shift and push against adjacent teeth or become impacted. At Dental @ Niddrie, our team can help you navigate through wisdom teeth pain.

Get a proper evaluation and diagnosis of wisdom teeth pain.

Minimise the risk of infection associated with wisdom teeth pain.

Provide relief to wisdom teeth pain through professional dental care.

Prevent the risk of damage to the adjacent teeth and gum tissues.

Addressing the problem may help determine whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary.

The Wisdom in Wisdom Teeth Pain: What it Means and How to Handle it

Wisdom teeth pain can be accompanied by swelling, soreness, and redness of the surrounding gums. The severity can range from mild to severe, depending on the position of the wisdom teeth.

The dentists at Dental @ Niddrie offer immediate care for wisdom teeth pain. We can carefully evaluate the condition of the problem and take the necessary action.

The Real Reasons Behind Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth pain usually occurs when the molars of adult teeth in the back of the mouth start to emerge. But this discomfort can happen for different reasons.

There are a variety of factors that can be the possible causes of wisdom teeth pain. This can include impaction, crowding, and cyst formation.

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When wisdom teeth are unable to erupt through the gums fully or become stuck in the jaw, they can cause pain and discomfort.

Wisdom teeth can develop in the wrong position and push against adjacent teeth. This can lead to crowding and misalignment as other teeth continue to move.

Food debris can get trapped between the gums and wisdom teeth, which can be hard to clean. This makes them more susceptible to infection.

Fluid can fill the sac where the wisdom tooth develops, which can cause pain and pressure on the teeth and jawbone.

Dental Issues That We Can Help You With

Having a healthy smile is important for your overall well-being. We provide a range of treatments to help you look after your teeth and gums, from regular check-ups to more advanced treatments.

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Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Smile – Book Your Appointment with Dental @ Niddrie.

Achieving a healthier smile starts with taking the first step, and Dental @ Niddrie is here to help. Our team of skilled dental professionals is committed to providing top-notch dental care to our patients.

Why Choose Dental @ Niddrie

We help our patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health through the following:

Multilingual Services

Our team at Dental @ Niddrie are able to proficiently converse in many languages, namely in English, Hindi, Punjabi, and Arabic.

20 Years of Progressive and Modern Clinical Experience

With two decades of combined clinical experience, the dentists at our clinic can provide you with quality and professional dental care.

Accessible Dental Care Through Affordable Pricing

Our clinic gives you an accessible way to care for your dental health by offering various payment plans.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth Pain

Check out the following answers to frequently asked questions to learn more about wisdom teeth pain.

Wisdom teeth don’t always cause symptoms or pain. However, when they become impacted, crowded, or accumulate bacterial infections, they can cause discomfort in the mouth. You may experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Inflamed or swollen gums near the wisdom tooth.
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Swollen and soreness around the jaw.
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Bad smell coming from the mouth.
  • Painful to open the mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing.


Call your dentist immediately when you experience wisdom tooth pain accompanied by these symptoms.

The risk factors for developing wisdom teeth pain can vary, but some common culprits include a lack of space or a small jaw. As mentioned, wisdom teeth can become impacted when there’s insufficient space in the mouth, causing pain. Additionally, if there is an infection in the area of your wisdom teeth, it can cause inflammation and significant discomfort.

You may manage wisdom teeth pain in the following ways:

  • An ice pack.
    Cold from the ice can cause a numbing effect that may reduce inflammation and swelling. Try to apply an ice pack on the side of the cheeks where the wisdom teeth pain is occurring.

  • Saltwater rinse.
    Overall, saltwater rinses can help manage discomfort from erupting wisdom teeth at home. This method involves dissolving salt into warm water and swishing the mixture around your mouth. Studies from 2016 suggest that this remedy helps reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth and promotes healthy gum tissue.

Wisdom teeth pain can last about seven to ten days. However, it can remain throughout the development of wisdom teeth, which may take up to a year or several years, depending on the individual circumstances. Hence, it’s important to have the dentist check your wisdom teeth once you experience pain in the back of your mouth.

There are some over-the-counter medications that may help manage the discomfort. Pain relievers like Ibuprofen can be taken to reduce wisdom teeth pain. However, it is important to consult your dentist to check if there are any contraindications or reasons why you should not take these medications. Following the prescribed intake is essential to reduce pain and prevent undesirable outcomes. If wisdom teeth pain persists, you may consider calling your dentist immediately.
While wisdom teeth pain is a common issue, it may also be a sign of a serious oral health issue. If you notice an unpleasant taste, a bad odour in your mouth, or pus oozing from the gums near your wisdom tooth, these may be signs of a serious underlying problem. Ignoring it can have a wide-reaching impact on your oral health. So it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
It may not be possible to keep wisdom teeth pain from ever happening. But regular dental appointments can help monitor your wisdom teeth’s growth and development. The dentist can perform an updated dental x-ray to detect potential problems with your wisdom teeth before any symptoms begin.

Yes. It’s not uncommon to experience pain after wisdom teeth removal. Light bleeding and swelling are also common following the procedure. The dentist will provide post-surgery care to help you manage the discomfort and promote a relatively short recovery period.

Wisdom teeth pain can radiate or spread to nearby areas such as the head and ears. It can happen when the wisdom tooth is impacted or crowds other teeth and pushes against the gums. This can be very painful and cause headaches or earaches. Visiting a dentist can help you get to the bottom of any wisdom teeth pain and receive proper treatment.

When wisdom teeth erupt, swelling and inflammation of the gums can make it difficult to bite and chew. This can significantly affect the ability to eat solid food. It may also become hard to speak when the jaw is sore due to painful wisdom teeth. Consulting a dentist may help relieve discomfort.

It’s essential to avoid certain foods while you’re experiencing wisdom teeth pain. It can help to minimise further pain or apply too much pressure on sore or inflamed gums. The following are some of the foods you need to put off for a while.

  • Hard, chewy, and sticky foods. Meat, bread, nuts, apples, carrots, and other food that require strong chewing may worsen jaw pain.

  • Hot foods. Any meals that are served hot, such as ramen, noodles, and soup, can also intensify wisdom teeth pain.

  • Spicy and acidic foods. Jalapeños, chilli, lemon, grapefruit, and similar foods can irritate the gums.

Ignoring wisdom teeth pain can have serious long-term consequences for your oral health. If unaddressed, a fluid sac may develop around them and lead to oral cysts. This can cause lasting damage to the nearby teeth, jaw, and bones that may require oral surgery. By seeking treatment right away for wisdom teeth pain, you can keep yourself against these possible long-term complications.

Wisdom teeth pain can be unbearable enough to keep you awake at night and affect your sleep routine. This lack of sleep can throw off your daily routine and cause additional exhaustion, leaving you feeling drained during the day. It’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid the negative impact of disrupting the quality of your sleep.

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